MGC Financial Group

The companies of the group


MGC Investments

MGC Investments is a financial service provider company. Our goal is to increase its clients’ capital.

The end result is to create earnings and constant income in all market conditions. MGC Investments ensures the maximum guarantee of safety, transparency, professionalism and careful risk management using innovative forms of investment.

Since 2000 MGC Investments has always achieved annual performances exceeding 9% and average annual performances of + 17.8%.

The objectives of MGC Investments are:

  • Constant returns in all market conditions
  • Professionalism, transparency and safety

MGC Investments SAGL is registered in the register of RegFix consultants. Regulated register FINMA, Federal Authority for the Supervision of the Swiss Financial Markets.
Furthermore, MGC Investments SAGL is affiliated to the Ombudsstelle Finanzdienstleister (OFD) ombudsman body.



MG Consulting & Solution

MG Consulting & Solution is the company that has revolutionized the way of doing trading and stock market courses, by using the web individual coaching combined with accelerated learning techniques as a teaching tool.

Established in 2000, MG Consulting & Solution has condensed the experience of its founder in individual training courses that meet the needs of all types of users and companies. These include independent consultants, financial advisors, beginners, freelancers, and new graduates.

MG Consulting & Solution represents the main point of reference for clients who want to learn about on-line trading to manage their funds independently through individual and customized training programs.

Many MG Consulting & Solution course participants have declared in recent years to do professional trading and to have increased their financial wealth.

The objectives of MGConsulting are to:

  • Train independent traders in managing their capital
  • Improve the economic well being of the traders

For more information, visit

  • Our 3 key strengths

  • Results

    MGC investments has always achieved over 9% yearly performances, scoring a 27.8% peak in 2009 and 17.8% average yearly performances.*


    MGC Investments works towards the best customer interest and we get paid according to the achieved results.*


    MGC professionals offer the customer their long-standing experience in managing investments and in financial consulting in every market conditions

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  • Contact us for Information

    Fill in the form and you will be contacted by one of our associates for a free meeting without any obligation

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